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Is Bötox Safe?

We’ve heard it all before. A potential client has gone online to look up information about Bötox, only to discover pages of stories about a “friend’s roommate’s cousin’s ex-girlfriend, who had a terrible experience with their Bötox injection”. 

As professionals, we’re here to say that you can’t believe everything you read online! When administered in the right setting (such as a clinic like Bardöt), Bötox is an incredibly safe and very common treatment for lines and wrinkles. In fact, it’s been used for that purpose in Canada for more than 30 years.


History of Bötox in Canada

Bötox was first used as an aesthetics treatment in the early 1980s, with pioneering work done by Dr. Jean Carruthers in Vancouver. She also did scientific studies to prove its safety and had so much confidence that she volunteered her own facial skin for tests in the process. 35 years later, she still uses Bötox to keep her skin smooth. That’s a pretty solid record!

In fact, between 1989 and 2003, when Bötox use grew exponentially across the USA and Canada, there were only 36 reported adverse effects. Of those, about half were likely due to underlying conditions, too. In 2002 alone, more than a million people got a Bötox treatment. Statistically, this means that any adverse reactions have well under a 1% chance of happening – the number is likely closer to 0.001% or less.

Bötox has been approved by Health Canada, specifically for the cosmetic reduction of lines and wrinkles, for more than 20 years. It’s also approved for a variety of therapeutic treatments, like migraine reduction or hyperhidrosis. Which is all to say – the research has been done, and Bötox has been shown to be extremely safe when administered by professionals.


Side Effects of Bötox

Almost everyone experiences minor side effects after a Bötox treatment (like you do with most injections). Generally, this is nothing more than some small bruises or a bit of swelling. This can still stand out, so if you are setting an appointment before a wedding or another big event, give yourself a week or so of recovery time.

Other than that, the most common reported issues are reddening of the skin, discomfort or pain at the injection site, or more pronounced swelling that lasts longer. Even then, the vast majority of these issues are mild and temporary, just like the Bötox itself (which lasts about 3 months). 

In very, very rare cases, other side effects may appear, which almost always relate to muscle control. This can range from a generic muscle weakness, radiating out from the point of injection, to specific ones that are more noticeable (like eyelid or focal control, or the muscles that control speech). This can occur if the injection goes into the wrong muscle, which is why having an experienced professional technician is so important. With the right consultation and techniques in your corner, this is an incredibly safe process that millions of people use, every single year.


Should I Get Bötox?

If you struggle with chronic migraines, muscle spasms, bruxism (teeth grinding), or other muscular disorders, you may benefit from medical Bötox use. And on the flip side, if you simply want to smooth out crows’ feet or frown lines as you age, cosmetic Bötox could be the answer you’re looking for. 

An in-person consultation would be required to decide for sure, though – one that takes into account your medical history, your sensitivities, your desired outcome, and other personal factors. But if you know how Bötox works and you’re interested in learning more about how it can work for you, there’s no harm in coming in to find out more about on this popular worldwide treatment. 

Take a look at our complete Bötox information page and let us know if you want to get Bötox in Calgary! We’re located in the Mission district, south of the Beltline and just a few blocks from the Erlton Stampede C-Train station. We look forward to helping you get the look you’ve always wanted!

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