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woman getting lower face lift

What to Know Before Getting a Lower Facelift

We’ve talked before about what you can expect when getting thread lifts, and how they are an excellent alternative to full facelift surgery for many people, especially for the lower face area. But there is some important information to know before you decide to book a thread lift for your neck, jaw, or jowls. Thread lifts are not a “one-time fix” that can take care of every issue at once, so following this advice will help ensure you get the results you want.


How a Lower Facelift Works

One of the most common problem areas for sagging skin as we age is around the mouth, chin, cheeks, and neck. Thread lifts address this by bringing the skin back up, promoting collagen growth, and encouraging strong connections between the outer and inner layers of skin and muscle.


However, thread lifts in the lower face area aren’t able to fix everything. By their nature, they don’t treat the muscle deep below the skin, and they cannot work effectively on excess fatty tissues around the cheeks or jawline. Because of this, one of the first steps of the lift process is coming in for an assessment, so we can look at your specific circumstances. Here, we can recommend actions and products that will optimize and improve the final result down the line.


For example, this may involve using Belkyra to dissolve submental or buccal fat deposits, or even Neuromodulators to shrink some of the muscle tissue. In many instances, jumping right to thread lifts that pull the skin upwards will not give you the immediate results you want, nor will those results last as long as you’re expecting. When it comes to loose skin and jowls, the causes go deep under the surface and into the underlying layers. 


Are Lower Facelifts Effective?

In a word, yes! Whether done by surgery or thread lifts, lower facelifts are common and widespread. However, the two methods are not equal.


Facelift surgery has long been a fix for sagging skin, and when combined with liposuction, it can deal with excess fat easily enough. However, it is more expensive, with a higher risk of infection and error, and what many people overlook is that once it’s done, it’s done. If you are not happy with the results, fixing it will cost even more time and money, and can be majorly detrimental to your skin as it tries to heal.


Lower face thread lifts have the benefit of being faster to perform and cheaper, as well as more customizable. Getting the exact results you wants takes a bit more time, but it is far more precise, because, we can incrementally change treatments to better match your final desired look. This may be done through threads, Belkyra fat removal, or muscle treatments. Overall, a thread lift procedure is less invasive than a surgical facelift with much less recovery time. 


Is a Lower Facelift Right For You?

We think so, but we’d need to see you in person to be sure! Every person’s look is different and will require a unique approach. We want to make sure you get the results you desire, and using our recommendations before the threads are even in place can help ensure success. Just like any big project, preparation and planning are the foundation for beautiful outcomes that can last for years.


If you’re in the Calgary area and you still have more questions about how to prepare for a thread lift, let us know! Our professional team can walk you through the whole process and put you at ease. Once you realize how simple it can be to get a thread lift, you’ll wonder why you waited so long. We look forward to seeing you!

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