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lasers vs injectables for treating wrinkles

Lasers vs. Injectables for Treating Wrinkles

Here at our clinic, we frequently encounter men and women who are eager to diminish or erase fine facial lines and wrinkles. For many of them, surgical options feel too extreme, or they may not want to sit through the invasive procedures and experience more downtime than necessary. Maybe you’ve felt like you’re in the same situation. If so, you may be interested in a few other commonly available options: laser rejuvenation or injectable anti-wrinkle treatments (like fillers or neuromodulators), all of which effectively target the signs of aging.

Now, you might be wondering, which option is the most suitable for you? Well, it's important to note that everyone experiences aging differently, and not all wrinkles are identical – some sit at the surface, while others can form on deeper dermal layers and tissues. At Bardot Beauty, our expert team of cosmetic practitioners can help you decide, with a range of solutions to meet your needs, budget, and desired outcome.


Laser Rejuvenation for Wrinkles

When it comes to improving skin quality, lasers are a powerful tool. These treatments utilize targeted beams of light at certain wavelengths to penetrate deep into the skin (don’t worry – it’s completely safe), stimulating collagen and cell production and promoting a youthful appearance.

Pros and Cons of Laser Rejuvenation

Laser treatments have been around long enough that the science shows the benefits are many, while the risks are few. However, as with any aesthetics procedure, there are some pros and cons to consider.
  • Pro: Laser rejuvenation offers long-lasting results, allowing for sustained improvement in skin quality.
  • Pro: It effectively addresses a wide range of skin concerns, including sun damage, fine lines, and uneven texture.
  • Pro: The treatment targets specific areas, promoting targeted and precise results.
  • Con: Downtime following laser rejuvenation may be necessary, with the duration varying depending on the specific treatment.
  • Con: The number of treatments required for optimal results can vary, depending on the individual and the targeted concern.
  • Con: Some individuals may experience temporary side effects, such as redness or swelling, following the procedure.
Still have questions about something not covered here? Let us know and we’d be happy to help you get some answers.


Anti-Wrinkle Injectable Treatments

Another popular option for reducing wrinkles involves the use of injectables. There are two main types: neuromodulators and soft tissue fillers.

The first type works by temporarily relaxing the underlying muscles responsible for creating wrinkles. They are commonly used on areas such as the forehead, crow's feet, and frown lines – that is, for deeper wrinkles generally higher up on the face.

The second type, soft tissue fillers like hyaluronic acid-based products, instantly plump the skin from below – smoothing out wrinkles and restoring lost volume. Fillers are often preferred for areas like the cheeks, lips, and nasolabial folds.


Neuromodulator anti-wrinkle treatments, such as Dysport and Xeomin, are known for their ability to relax targeted facial muscles, resulting in an often-drastic reduction in the appearance of wrinkles. They last for several months at a time, making them a very useful solution for smoother and more youthful-looking skin.
These treatments are also known for being quick and relatively simple to implement, requiring just a few minutes to inject and minimal downtime for recovery. Within 3 to 5 days following the appointment, the compound relaxes the targeted muscle and blocks the contractions that lead to wrinkled skin.

Dermal Fillers

Soft tissue (or dermal) fillers come in various forms, each designed to address specific concerns. These fillers work by instantly plumping the skin, minimizing wrinkles, and restoring facial volume, though they do not actually improve the quality of your skin at all.
Common treatment areas for fillers include the cheeks, lips, and lines around the mouth. Results from Fillers can be seen immediately, and depending on the type of filler used, they can last anywhere from several months to a year or more before naturally dissolving and fading away.


How to Choose the Right Wrinkle Treatment

Selecting the ideal treatment option between laser rejuvenation and injectables requires careful consideration and an evaluation of your individual circumstances. This is why we always prioritize a one-on-one consultation that takes vital information into account. Some of these factors include:

What are your specific skin concerns?

Understanding your specific skin concerns is crucial to figure out the most suitable treatment option. Whether you are dealing with sun damage, fine lines, uneven texture, or other skin issues, our skilled practitioners will evaluate your concerns and recommend the treatment that effectively targets and addresses them.

What is your desired result?

Do you want smoother skin for an upcoming trip, or a long-lasting change that you won’t have to think about for the next six months? Knowing the results you’re after will help us decide which anti-wrinkle treatment is the best choice for you.

What is your medical history?

Knowing your medical history is crucial to ensure your safety and the efficacy of the chosen method – even though the methods themselves are considered safe and low-risk. Our team will review your medical background, including any existing medical conditions, allergies, or prior cosmetic procedures, to choose a treatment accordingly and minimize any potential risks or complications.

How much recovery time do you have?

Remember, laser rejuvenation may entail some downtime and multiple treatments, while injectables typically have minimal to no recovery time. Think about your lifestyle, work commitments, and what you’ll do if you need a few days to get back into tip-top shape. Knowing this helps us recommend a treatment that fits seamlessly into your schedule.


Lasers or Injectables for Wrinkles in Calgary

Now that you know a bit more about non-surgical wrinkle reduction, it's time to take the next step. Schedule a consultation with us, so our team of experts can provide personalized guidance and recommend the most suitable treatment option tailored to your aesthetic goals. Let’s get you going on your journey to smoother, youthful-looking skin…full of glam, confidence, and that one-of-a-kind glow!

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